

省份: 北京市
城市: 东城区
门票价格: 2元

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景点类型: 园林*,遗址*
出行方式: 自助*,自驾*,市内*
适合人群: 家庭*,个人*,情侣*,朋友*,小孩*
游玩项目: 摄影*,文化游*,观赏*



  方泽坛,为明清两代皇帝祭祀 “皇地?神” 之场所,因坛台周有方形泽渠,故称方泽
           Square Water Altar (Fang Ze Tan)
  The Altar where Emperors in Ming and Qing Dynasties perform the ceremony of offering sacrifice to Earth has a surrounding ditch shaped into a square around the altar edge. So it is named Square Water Altar. The altar was firstly built in the 9th year of Emperor Jia Jing's reign in Ming Dynasty (1530), and was reconstructed the 15th year of Emperor Qian Long's reign in Qing Dynasty (1750) under instruction from the Emperor. The surface of the altar, which had been covered by yellow glazed bricks, became paved by light gray slabstones during the reconstruction. The current altar was rebuilt in 1981, following the style when it was under Emperor Qian Long's reign.

  The altar surface is of square shape, representing the ancient Chinese tale of “round heaven and square earth”.




            Holy Horse Cote (Shen Ma Juan)
  The Holy Horse Cote, roofed by green glazed tiles, covers an area of 19.55 meters in total width and 7.5 meters in depth with its five side-by-side rooms of same size. The Cote was built in the year of 1530 and thoroughly mended in 1999. 




  Earth God Worship House (Huang Qi Shi) and Di Tan Cultural & Historical Relic Exhibition Room
  Built in the 9th year of Emperor Jia Jing’s reign in Ming Dynasty (1530), the Imperial Earth God Worship House is one of the main buildings in Di Tan Park. It is the place where Chinese Earth God and some other Chinese gods are worshiped by emperors in Ming and Qing Dynasties. 
   In the year of 1925, Di Tan Park was named Jing Zhao Park, which was open to the public and once a Popular Literature Library was once established within. In the year of 1986, the library was renovated into Di Tan Cultural & Historical Relic Exhibition Room.




 Fast Palace (Zhai Gong) 
  The Fast Palace is the place for emperor’s fasting before the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Earth. Emperor Shun Zhi, Kang Xi, Yong Zheng, Qian Long, and Jia Qing in Qing Dynasty have all lived here during their fast. With southern and northern side halls located on its two sides, the western hall facing the east is the main hall of the Palace. These three halls, main buildings of Fast Palace, were firstly built in the 9th year of Emperor JiaJing’s reign in Ming Dynasty (1530) and were rebuilt in the 8th year of Emperor YongZheng’s reign in Qing Dynasty (1730). 




           Slaughter Pavilion (Zai Sheng Ting)
  The slaughter Pavilion is the place where animals (bulls, pigs, goats, and deer) are slaughtered, on the day before the main sacrificial rite day, as sacrificial offerings to Earth.




  This small assortment of buildings, established in the 9th year of Emperor Jia Jing’s reign in Ming Dynasty (1530), consists of four big halls and two well pavilions. The main hall is called Holy Storehouse (Shen Ku), which stores Feng Ting – a sedan chair used to carry the enshrined god worship tablet for main Chinese Earth God (Huang Di Qi), and Long Ting – a sedan chair for carrying god worship tablets for side Chinese gods. The Holy Storehouse is also used to keep worship tablets temporarily when the God Worship House is under repair. The eastern side hall is called Sacrifice Utensils Storehouse (Ji Qi Ku), where store utensils for sacrifice ceremony. Musical instruments for the sacrifice ceremony are kept in the southern side hall, the Musical Instrument Storehouse (Yue Qi Ku). The western side hall, or Holy Kitchen (Shen Chu), is the place where sacrificial offering foods are made. The western and eastern well pavilions provide water respectively for Holy Kitchen and ditch surrounding Square Water Altar.




的琉璃瓦面,彩画以本“天龙地凤”之说,绘以单凤图和牡丹图案,正面中心有“ 地坛”二字,背面核心有“广厚街”字样。今天的牌楼已成为地坛公园重要景点之一。  



              Bell Tower (Zhong Lou)
  The Bell Tower, with green glazed tiles covered roof, consists of three side-by-side rooms and covers over 12 meters in total width. The tower was built in 1530 and demolished in 1965 after having long been neglected and out of repair. In the year of 2000, the building was restored exactly to its original style. The bell is of 2.58 meters height, 1.56 meters diameter, and 2324kg in weight. Inscribed on the bell body is the motto saying “made under the reign of Emperor JiaJing in Ming Dynasty”. The sounds of the bell is sonorous and full of strength.




自助旅游指南:     乘车路线:地坛西门:地铁、18、27、104、108、113、119、124、201、328、358、407、417(支)、758、803、850、858、912、415、847、849; 地坛南门:地铁、44、62、13、116、406、606、807。
传真: 010-64214657
电话: 010-64214657
地址: 地铁或104、 108、13、18、27、116、 119、358路均可到达
网址: http://www.iweeeb.com/w/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%9C%B0%E5%9D%9B%E5%85%AC%E5%9B%AD